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Commissioners Show Support For Crime Victims’ Rights
April 27, 2022

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners have proclaimed April 24-30, 2022 to be Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Franklin County and have reaffirmed the county’s commitment to ensuring that accessible, appropriate and trauma-informed services are offered to all victims of crime.
The national theme for this year’s Crime Victims’ Rights Week is “Rights, Access, Equity for All Victims.” By offering innovative, trauma-informed programs such as telehealth services and multidisciplinary teams, providers can expand their reach to serve a greater number of victims. Likewise, by implementing culturally responsive services, these providers can increase access to services.
Both Pennsylvania and federal laws guarantee victims the right to meaningfully participate in the criminal justice process. By enforcing these rights and ensuring equity and inclusivity for all, service providers, advocates, law enforcement officers, attorneys and other allied professionals can help survivors find their justice.
The Franklin County Commissioners are grateful and appreciative of those community members, victim service providers and criminal justice professionals who are committed to improving the response to all victims of crime so they may find relevant assistance, support, justice and peace.
One such service provider is Women in Need (WIN), a non-profit organization committed to assisting victims of sexual and domestic violence in Franklin and Fulton counties. Each year, WIN provides free, confidential services to approximately 1,700 victims and their families. The organization will be hosting its annual fundraiser, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, on May 6 in Chambersburg to support its various programs and services. For more information, visit