
The Franklin County Area Agency on Aging provides a planned program of supportive services to those 60 years of age and older, intended to optimize independence, promote consumer choice and enhance quality of life. In accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, preference in the delivery of service is given to those persons with the greatest social and economic need. The Area Agency on Aging utilizes contributions and co-payments to expand services.
Information and Referral
Franklin County Area Agency on Aging staff are available to provide information and referral services for programs that benefit older adults. Referrals can be made for services offered by the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging as well as other services and resources in the community. This program offers assistance filling out applications and forms, such as LIHEAP, property tax/rent rebate, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers (SFMNP), etc.
Person-Centered Counseling (PCC)
PCC is a person-centered decision-support process where consumers are supported in their deliberations to determine appropriate support choices in context of their needs, preferences, values and individual circumstances.
Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI)
PA MEDI is a federally funded program administered through the Area Agency on Aging and is designed to help Pennsylvanians on Medicare. PA MEDI is a free health insurance counseling program. State-certified PA MEDI counselors are volunteers who offer free and unbiased Medicare health insurance counseling for anyone who is Medicare eligible. PA MEDI counselors can answer questions about Medicare, Medicare Supplemental, Medicare Advantage, and prescription drug plans. For individuals who are new to Medicare or for those who simply need a refresher, the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging provides Medicare 101 classes. To get help with your Medicare health insurance questions, call 717-263-2153 or email
Prior to determining the appropriate service program for consumers, a level of care assessment must be completed. This assessment will determine if a consumer is Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible (NFCE) or Nursing Facility Ineligible (NFI). The accuracy of level of care determinations is critical in placing consumers in appropriate programs.
Options Program
Care management is available for individuals 60+ who do not qualify for Medicaid programs. There is a sliding copay scale based on your assets and income for your care managed services. Services may include: personal care, adult day care and/or personal emergency response unit.
Personal Care Services
Personal Care Services include assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as feeding, skin and mouth care, ambulation, bathing, hair care, grooming, shaving, dressing, transfer activities, toileting, and assistance with self-administration of medications (i.e. opening medication containers, providing verbal reminders).
Adult Day Service (ElderDay)
Adult Day Service is a term used to describe a variety of programs designed to meet the special needs of functionally impaired older adults. Adult Day Services allow the impaired older person to continue to live in the community while participating in a program of social, recreational, health and rehabilitative activities designed to maintain or improve his or her level of functioning. Adult Day Services are programs of structured activities provided to functionally disabled adults living in the community. These types of programs help to maintain or improve the client’s level of functioning and offer respite to family caregivers.
ElderDay, through Menno Haven Senior Retirement Community, is the only Adult Day Service in the region that has contracted with the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging. Through the Options Program, a potential exists for financial assistance for ElderDay services for those who qualify.
For more specific information on ElderDay, contact:
2011 Scotland Avenue
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS Unit)
A personal emergency response system (or PERS Unit) helps older adults to 24-hour emergency assistance at the push of a button. Oftentimes remembered as the “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” button, a PERS Unit is a great mechanism in the event of an emergency where calling for help could otherwise be difficult. PERS Units can be worn as a pendant around the neck or even as a bracelet to be easily incorporated into one’s everyday activities. Sponsorship is limited to low-income individuals.
Home Delivered Meals
The Home Delivered Meal program consists of nutritional meals delivered to the doorstep of homebound individuals who are at least 60+ and unable to drive, have access to public transportation, or participate in the senior center congregate meal programs. Home Delivered Meal participants must first have an assessment with the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging to determine eligibility. From there, the meals are available Monday-Friday.
Caregiver Support Program (CSP)
CSP provides resources and assistance to those managing care for a care-dependent older adult. The program works to ease the stress of caregiving by focusing on caregiver well-being. The program provides reimbursement for caregiving expenses, such as respite, personal care, and caregiving supplies and services. Caregiving education, training and support are also offered. Eligibility is determined by caregiver age and the household income of the care receiver.
CSP – Grandparent Component
This program was created to help provide financial reimbursement for the costs associated in raising grandchildren. The Caregiver Support Program provides resources and assistance to individuals who assume primary responsibility for the provision of care of grandchildren under the age of 18. Caregivers can receive reimbursement for costs of services and supplies related to the care receivers needs (such as daycare, summer camp fees, sports uniform costs, school clothing, etc.). Adults caring for grandchildren must be at least 55 years of age. Eligibility is based on household income.
Aging Waiver Program
Home and Community-Based Waiver services are for individuals 60+ who meet health and income requirements. Individuals who have unmet needs that impact daily functioning and financially qualify for Medicaid should contact the Independent Enrollment Broker at 877-550-4227 to get started.
Protective Services
Reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment of care-dependent individuals 18+ are accepted 24/7. Investigations are provided to incapacitated older adults 60+, unable to perform or obtain services that are necessary to maintain physical or mental health, for whom there is no responsible caretaker and who are at imminent danger to person or property. Call 717-263-2153 or 1-800-642-6990 (24-hour on-call service) to file a report.
Loaner Closet
The Franklin County Area Agency on Aging offers medical supplies for loan to those 60 and older. Large and small equipment donations are accepted. Loaner items are based on need and availability.
Transportation Pass
Free transportation pass for shared-ride services through rabbittransit. Individuals must be over the age of 60 and have an income within 133% of the Federal Poverty Level. Individuals receiving Aging Waiver services do not qualify.
Volunteer Ombudsmen work to resolve complaints and issues on behalf of individuals residing in long-term care settings. Ombudsmen empower residents by educating them on their rights under federal and state law and advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves, to ensure that they receive the highest quality of care. For more information, call 717-261-0631.