News Detail
Franklin County Honors Correctional Officers
May 06, 2021

The Commissioners recently proclaimed May 2-8, 2021 as National Correctional Officers and Employees Week in Franklin County, honoring the men and women working in the Franklin County Jail (FCJ) whose diligence and professionalism provide a safe and rehabilitative environment for confined individuals.
“We are grateful to these, and all of our correctional workers, whose diligence and professionalism keep Franklin County and its residents safe. We have a great team at the Franklin County Jail and we can’t thank them enough for their hard work and dedication,” said Commissioner Keller.
Each year, the jail staff nominates two employees who show outstanding performance in their work. Both selections are important members of the jail team whose professionalism, dedication and work ethic are exemplary.
The award for Correctional Officer of the Year was presented to Officer Sara Holtz. Officer Holtz has been with Franklin County for 11 years and is the only female member of the Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT). As a senior officer, she is routinely tasked with training new officers and does so with a positive attitude.
Deputy Warden Michelle Weller was awarded the Correctional Professional of the Year. Michelle is instrumental in developing jail policies, most recently helping to develop the jail’s pandemic response plan. Because of her leadership the jail has successfully mitigated COVID-19 in the Jail. She also works diligently to provide meaningful programming to offenders including the jail’s Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs which offer hundreds of offenders hope for a new life.
Warden Bill Bechtold read a quote from former President Ronald Regan who said, “No group of Americans has a more difficult or less publicly visible job than the brave men and women who work in our correctional facilities.”
Bechtold went on to comment, “The brave men and women who work in the Franklin County Jail do so without public recognition on a day-to-day basis and have done a great job this year, facing COVID-19 challenges head on.”

Correctional Professional of the Year – Deputy Warden Michelle Weller and Correctional Officer of the Year – Officer Sara Holtz