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Matthew Kendall Named Franklin County Employee Of The Month
November 05, 2021

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the October 2021 Employee of the Month award to Matthew Kendall. Kendall has been employed with Franklin County since September 2012 and currently serves as the hazardous materials (HAZMAT) specialist with the Franklin County Department of Emergency Services.
October’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received a total of 24 nominations for the October award.
When nominating a coworker, employees are asked to share a specific event or circumstance that makes an individual deserving of Employee of the Month. According to one nomination, Kendall spearheaded HAZMAT operations during a recent FBI search of a local landfill as part of a multi-state criminal investigation.
“Matt reached out to federal, state and regional HAZMAT entities to establish a work plan to cover the site operations for six 12-hour days of search operations,” said the nomination form. “The HAZMAT teams were charged with providing site safety of the entire operation due to the potential release of chemicals or ignition of garbage that had been building heat while buried. Matt led the team in performing air quality tests, chemical analysis and temperature monitoring of unearthed materials.”
The nomination continued, “Matt canvassed all supporting federal, state, regional and local organizations to make sure they brought the monitoring/diagnostic equipment required to ensure the site was safe during search operations. His foresight and planning kept the out-of-pocket costs for County support to non-overtime regular man hours. Matt’s efforts bring great credit upon himself and the Department of Emergency Services.”
Kendall’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his
peers. The nomination form describes him as dedicated, determined and team oriented.
The Franklin County Commissioners are grateful to Kendall as he exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.