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August 2019 Employee of the Month – Jordan Herman
The Franklin County Commissioners on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Mr. Jordan Herman.
August 27, 2019

The Franklin County Commissioners on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Mr. Jordan Herman.
Mr. Herman has been employed with Franklin County since 2018. He currently serves as a Forensic Case Manager for the Re-entry Service Center. The selection for the August 2019 Employee of the Month was determined by the STAR Committee from a total of nine nominations. The STAR nomination form asks what recent event or occurrence made you select Jordan and the answers stated:
“Jordan Herman has done a phenomenal amount of work during his first 8 months with the County. I think it is important to recognize that even new employees can be extraordinary.
He has responsibilities in three different programs: Case Assisted Re-Entry (CARE) Program, Intensive Reentry Case Management (IRCM), and Operation REACH.
The CARE program began in January 2019 as a reinvention of the Jail Diversion Program. CARE requires more assessments during the intake process as well as developing a treatment plan for each client, as well as monthly updates. Jordan meets with each participant weekly. In January and February, there were an astonishing 21 referrals for this new program. Setting up interviews and intakes alone is a full time job, but that is not all Jordan does. Jordan makes mental health and counseling appointments, goes to those appointments with the client, makes referrals for other services, and helps participants complete paperwork for Medical Assistance, Rabbit Transit, and Social Security Disability. He documents all of his actions and keeps both an electronic and a paper file on each person.
He is also responsible for the bi-weekly treatment team meetings which he provides an agenda and minutes for each time. This is a full time job by itself, but that is not all he does!
Under the IRCM Program, Jordan has a caseload of up to 9 people at one time. The IRCM program provides housing, food, household items, and furniture to those who need it. Jordan has gone above and beyond expectations helping these individuals. He has delivered furniture and clothing, taken people grocery shopping, and made surprise home visits to investigate landlord issues. He has received calls for help from clients reporting they needed a ride to work or to a doctor’s appointment. He never says no to helping someone in a crisis.
Jordan is also a case manager for Operation REACH. He interviews every jail inmate identified as a veteran. He has initial contact and completes intakes as needed. To date, he has interviewed 60 inmates and referred the ones who need services to the REACH program.
Most case managers would be overwhelmed with a case load of 25 people with serious mental health issues who have complex needs. Jordan handles that many people under the CARE Program, another 9 cases under the IRCM Program, and also handles all the incarcerated Veterans who could benefit from Operation REACH.
What makes Jordan stand out is his ability to deal with individuals with serious mental health issues and, frankly, people who do not want to talk to him. One example is a man who did not want to complete all the assessments needed for the CARE Program intake. Jordan worked him through the process even though it was clear the man did not want to do it. This man was extremely rude to Jordan, but Jordan never allowed the client’s disrespect to change the respectful way he treated this person. This man made a point to come in to the office in person to check in rather than just check in with a phone call.
Another example of Jordan’s willingness to exceed expectations happened on Friday, March 1st. After lunch, we received a CARE referral for a jail inmate who was set to be released on Sunday, March 3rd. Jordan made it a priority to go to the jail immediately to do the intake paperwork and set up appointments for the person so that once released she had all her mental health needs in place. He could have easily said she needed to come see him once she was released, but he removed that barrier by going to her where she was, at a time convenient for her, not him.
Jordan is dedicated, competent, and caring. He is willing to help a person over and over again because he understands that mental illness is not a choice and it is not something that is
“fixed.” He has the special ability to connect with the most difficult individuals. I spoke to a female participant who said the following, “I have been down and out. I have done terrible things that I never want to talk about. Mr. Herman is willing to listen to me without judging me. I feel like he sees me as a person instead of just a problem.” To me, giving people positive attention so they feel they matter is one of the best things we can ever do for others.
“Jordan does this for each and every person he serves. This makes him a special type of person and an exceptional employee.”
Mr. Herman’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his peers. The nomination form describes him as hard working; understanding and patient and willing to go above and beyond expectation to help someone in need.
We are grateful to Mr. Jordan Herman as he exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence, and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.