News Detail
Black Named Franklin County’s December Employee Of The Month
December 27, 2022

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the December 2022 Employee of the Month award to MaryAnna Black during the board’s Dec. 21 public meeting. Black has been employed with Franklin County since September 2021 and currently serves as a caseworker II with Franklin County Children & Youth Service.
December’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received 15 nominations for the December award, two of which were for Black. When nominating a coworker, employees are asked to cite an event or instance that elevated an individual to Employee of the Month status.
“MaryAnna consistently carries a challenging caseload while also ensuring all of her families are safe and taken care of,” said one nomination form. “She is not only carrying a challenging caseload, but is also always there to assist fellow caseworkers. MaryAnna will drop everything to ensure any caseworker gets what they need. She also goes above and beyond for everyone who she comes in contact with. I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to work with her.”
“MaryAnna has been a lead responder for the agency’s child protective referrals,” said another colleague. “In the past few months, she has worked on several difficult cases. MaryAnna has worked closely with law enforcement and provided information and support to successfully complete investigations.
The nomination form continued, “She consistently displays extreme professionalism and respect…She is attentive during conversations and meetings, drawing information out when needed in the field, and using other department and community agencies as support. She is excellent at anticipating potential problems and working with families to have a concurrent plan in place. She thinks outside the box to keep families together and provides strength-based support to families. MaryAnna shows a strong commitment to her job and is an asset to the agency. Her consistency and dedication to her work is commendable and respected by her peers, families and providers.”
Black’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by her peers. The nomination forms describe her as empathetic, strong, resilient, brilliant, hardworking, and someone who has a high standard of service to her community.
The Franklin County Commissioners congratulated Black on her recognition and thanked her for her excellent work and for exuding such a high standard of customer service, excellence and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.