News Detail
Brown Named Franklin County’s May Employee Of The Month
June 01, 2023

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the May 2023 Employee of the Month award to Dennis Brown during the board’s May 31 public meeting. Brown has been employed with Franklin County since October 2018 and serves as a Maintenance Worker I with the county’s Property Management department.
May’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received 31 nominations for the May award, six of which were for Brown. When nominating a coworker, employees are asked to cite an event or instance that elevated an individual to Employee of the Month status. All of the nominations for Brown remarked on his patience and tireless efforts in assisting the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging staff through the renovation of the department’s office in Chambersburg.
“Dennis was pivotal in the Aging department’s recent renovation process,” said one nomination form. “Every individual office’s furniture needed to be moved out of the office for repairs and then returned to the office once repairs were completed. Dennis was eager to help each time we needed to move. At times, we only had a short notice when furniture needed to be moved and he would rearrange his schedule to be there. Dennis remained positive, even making jokes as he helped move each piece of heavy furniture. His polite and personable attitude made office moves much easier.”
Several nominations recognized Brown’s willingness to repeatedly move and rearrange the same pieces of furniture multiple times as renovations progressed.
“Dennis has been such an instrumental part in the moving and reorganization of the Aging office,” stated one coworker.
“Dennis and the rest of his team tirelessly moved every piece of furniture in the building, multiple times, to allow workers to access every office space,” said another nomination. “Throughout the process, Dennis was happy and smiling, always ready to assist. His positive attitude and demeanor helped make the process less stressful for everyone involved.”
Brown’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his peers. He is described as dedicated, helpful, patient, hardworking, caring, reliable, positive and responsible.
The Franklin County Commissioners congratulated Brown on his recognition and thanked him for his excellent work and for exuding such a high standard of customer service, excellence and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.