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Commissioners Approve Tentative 2020 Budget, No Tax Increase
The Franklin County Commissioners approved a tentative budget for 2020.
November 27, 2019

The Franklin County Commissioners approved a tentative budget for 2020 of $157,971,700. This is a $5.7 million decrease from the preliminary budget proposed in October and is $9 million less than the revised 2019 budget.
The total property tax millage rate remains unchanged at 29.1 mills. This rate consists of general operating millage of 25.0 and debt service millage of 4.1.
“We commend our staff for their diligent work in bringing us a budget with no tax increase for general operations for the fourth year in a row,” stated Franklin County Commissioner and Chairman Dave Keller.
The 2020 budget reflects funding to accomplish the following priorities:
- Increasing public safety and security;
- Streamlining government and delivery of services;
- Maintaining services that support county citizens through funding existing and new programs for human services and veterans;
- Supporting quality of life programs such as farmland preservation and tourism and quality of life enhancement grants; and,
- Attracting and retaining a skilled, dedicated workforce.
Included in the budget are resources to continue progress on the Court Facility Improvement Project; update and expand our technology infrastructure, systems and security; upgrade 911 communication software and equipment; continue to expand the use of electronic document management and related process improvements; maintain existing facilities and equipment; replace vehicles and safety equipment; and support operations which deliver human services and administer justice.
With construction on the future Judicial Center, Administration Building, and Archives Facility renovations underway, the Court Facility Improvement Project is moving ahead and $38.1 million for capital expenditures to continue project activities is included in the 2020 budget. “A main focus for the County is to continue to ensure the Court Facility Improvement Project stays on schedule and within budget to reach our goal of increased security, adequate space, and co-location of offices for more efficient court and county operations,” said Commissioner Chairman Keller.
The 2020 proposed budget is available to view at, and at the Commissioners’ Office at 340 N Second Street until December 17, 2019 at 9:30 AM, when the commissioners will vote to accept or amend the final budget.
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