News Detail
Commissioners Consider Selling Land on Franklin Farm Lane
The Franklin County Commissioners are considering an agreement for the sale of 15 acres of land on Franklin Farm Lane.
March 26, 2020

The Franklin County Commissioners are considering an agreement for the sale of 15 acres of land on Franklin Farm Lane.
“The uses allowed in the agreement of sale fit with the county’s comprehensive plan and will bring well-paying jobs to Franklin County,” said Commissioner Chairman Keller.
The buyer, Chambersburg PH, LP, contacted the county last year regarding their interest in purchasing property north of the former Pennsylvania State Police barracks, between Interstate 81 and Franklin Farm Lane. The Commissioners met several times in executive session since then to gain an understanding of Chambersburg PH’s intended plans and negotiate a fair market price for the property. The proposed use of the property is commercial office space, and will require zoning approval by Guilford Township.
Ed Fetter, a partner of Chambersburg PH, LP, was present at Wednesday’s meeting. “Chambersburg PH, LP, is excited to work with Franklin County and Guilford Township on this exciting economic development project. The proposed use is consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan, will complement the existing businesses and neighborhoods in the area, and will provide quality services to the local residents,” said Mr. Fetter.
“I’m excited that we’re able to move forward, even in these challenging times, and I support this agreement. It’s a good deal for Franklin County. Selling real estate at a great price and adding back to our tax base benefits Franklin County residents,” said Commissioner John Flannery.
The pending agreement is in two phases. Phase I is for the sale of 15 acres of land at $250,000 per acre for a total contract sales price of $3,750,000. Phase II is for the option to purchase 21 additional acres at $250,000 per acre, with an option payment of $10,000 per acre, for a total of $5,460,000.
“Real estate ownership, to a government entity, should be a dynamic situation. We’ve purchased real estate to adequately meet our needs over the last several years and selling real estate when appropriate is simply the other side of that coin,” said Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski.
“The board has a fiduciary obligation to the taxpayers to maximize the return on their assets, and we believe this agreement satisfies that obligation,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.
The proceeds of the pending sale will be used to offset the cost of the Court Facility Improvement Project and help to avoid future tax increases for capital expenses.
The Board will vote to approve or reject the sales agreement at its next meeting on Wednesday, April 1 at 1 p.m. in the Administration Annex, 218 N. Second Street, Chambersburg.