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Commissioners Highlight Critical Need For Child Abuse Prevention In Franklin County
April 07, 2022

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners have proclaimed April 2022 to be Child Abuse Prevention Month and are urging residents and local agencies to do their part to promote the healthy growth and development of Franklin County’s youth.
According to national data, 1,750 children died from abuse and neglect in the U.S. in 2020. During that same period, child protective services across the country investigated or responded to more than 3 million allegations of maltreatment, and an estimated 618,000 children were found to be victims of child abuse or neglect. Data also shows that child abuse respects no racial, religious, socioeconomic or geographic boundaries.
While Child Abuse Prevention Month helps to raise awareness of the realities of child maltreatment, its greater intent is to encourage others to take the necessary steps to reduce instances of child abuse and neglect.
Increasing social supports, sharing best practices for parenting and child development, and providing resources to help families cope with stress are key to reducing the risk of abuse and increasing children’s ability to grow and reach their full potential. These strategies are most effective when citizens, human service agencies, schools, faith communities, health care providers, civic organizations, law enforcement agencies and the business community work together.
“The protection of children and strengthening families is a concern and responsibility of all Franklin County residents,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller. “The wellness of our children impacts our lives now and will continue to affect them in the future. Our children are not only our most vulnerable citizens, they are also vital to our county’s and the Commonwealth’s future success, prosperity and quality of life.”
By recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month in Franklin County, the commissioners are encouraging all residents, community leaders and stakeholders to do their part to stop child maltreatment and to provide families with the necessary support to be successful.