News Detail
County Employees Raise Money for Local Animal Shelters
Franklin County employees raised a total of $480.00 to distribute to two local animal shelters.
August 21, 2020

Franklin County employees raised a total of $480.00 for local animal shelters last month. Through a County wellness initiative and direct donation, Franklin County’s Healthy Living Coordinator Vicki Kamler collected funds to distribute to two local animal shelters–Antietam Humane Society in Waynesboro and Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter in Chambersburg.
The County Wellness Program, started in 2015, seeks to improve employee health and wellbeing by providing health education and lifestyle skills in order to optimize health, boost morale and increase performance and productivity.
“The benefits of the wellness program are not limited to physical health. The program encourages connections that empower employees and strengthen the community,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.
Vicki presented the Antietam Humane Society with $240.00. Kacie Morrell, Executive Director and bulldog, “Petunia,” were pleased to receive the donation.
Jen Vanderau, Mary French and kitten “Petal” accepted a $240.00 donation on behalf of the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter.

(left to right) Jen Vanderau, Mary French and Franklin County Healthy Living Coordinator Vicki Kamler holding Petal
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the cancellation of many fundraising events. Please take a moment to visit the following donation request pages which list needed items for each shelter: