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Fort Loudon Community Center Celebrates New Walking and Bike Path
The Fort Loudon Community Center celebrated the completion of its brand new walking and bike path last week with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
August 28, 2020

The Fort Loudon Community Center celebrated the completion of its brand new walking and bike path last week with a ribbon cutting ceremony attended by Franklin County Commissioners Dave Keller and John Flannery.
“This walking and bike path will provide a safe place for residents of all ages to enjoy,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.
Early this year, the Franklin County Commissioners announced the Fort Loudon Community Center as one of the 2019 Franklin County Tourism and Quality of Life Enhancement Grant recipients. The center was awarded $17,800 to create an asphalt path around the perimeter of the community grounds to encourage healthy activity.
“The new path is a great addition to the Peters Township community and will benefit residents for years to come,” said Commissioner John Flannery.
The purpose of the Tourism and Quality of Life Enhancement Grant program is to help boost the tourism experience, promote visitation and overnight stays within Franklin County, improve the county as a destination for leisure travel, preserve and enhance the historical resources in the county, and provide bike and walking trails for the enjoyment of residents and visitors.
Through this grant, the County has allocated over $1.7M to more than 40 local projects since its inception in 2014. The funding is derived from the hotel/motel tax on overnight stays at hotels in the county as well as Marcellus Shale impact fees.
Toby Byers, President of the Fort Loudon Community Center, thanked the organizations involved in the project including the Franklin County Commissioners, Franklin County Planning Department, and the Fort Loudon Legion Post 606. He stated, “The walking path is a good example that shows when a community works together, good things can happen.”
The Fort Loudon Community Center Walking and Bike Trail is located at 142 Mullen Street, Fort Loudon, PA 17224.