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Franklin County Announces Employee of the Month for April
Franklin County Commissioners present the Employee of the Month Award for April 2019 to Janelle Friese.
April 30, 2019

The Franklin County Commissioners on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Ms. Janelle Friese.
Ms. Friese has been employed with the Franklin County Fiscal department since 2011. She currently serves as a Senior Accountant. The selection for the April 2019 Employee of the Month was determined by the STAR Committee. There were a total of sixteen nominations.
The STAR nomination form asks what recent event or occurrence made you select Janelle and the answers stated:
“It is difficult to identify a single event as a reason for nominating Janelle Friese for Employee of the Month, as she consistently exemplifies qualities that any director would want on his/her team. Janelle is constantly looking for improved ways to do the things we do and doesn’t hesitate to bring ideas to her supervisor or team. Then she researches or coordinates with others to find better ways (whether more efficient or cost-effective) to solve problems or improve work processes. She is frequently the first to volunteer for new or complex tasks. She approaches challenges head on and persists through complications until assignments are completed or a resolution is reached. Janelle undertakes each task with a positive attitude and enthusiasm second to none. Janelle’s personal skills are equally exceptional; often receiving compliments about her responsiveness and attitude. She is kind and helpful and gets along well with her coworkers. In her role, she supports directors, staff, and outside agencies and does so in a manner that is professional and friendly. Her customer-oriented style, and commitment to problem solving have created many positive relationships both within the county and with outside stakeholders.”
Another nomination reads: “Janelle has always been and continues to be an outstanding co-worker and employee. On a daily basis, she exudes high professional and personal qualities. While the Fiscal department is typically more of a “behind the scenes department”, she works with numerous individuals and organizations across the county; aiding them in whatever their needs and cultivating excellent working relationships. Janelle is always completely dedicated to seeing that a task is completed fully and problem solves to find the best path to take in accomplishing it. She never avoids a challenge. She sees something that needs addressed and is always willing to step in right in. Often, she is right there to take the lead on seeing it through.”
Ms. Friese’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by her peers. The nomination form describes her as diligent, thorough and accurate when performing her duties; as well as open-minded and always looking for efficiencies and improvements; she also displays a wealth of professionalism.
We are grateful to Ms. Janelle Friese as she exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence, and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.