News Detail
Franklin County Area Agency on Aging Hosts Centers Without Walls Event
The Franklin County Area Agency on Aging recently hosted a Center Without Walls event at the Carrack United Methodist Church in Fort Loudon.
Area Agency on Aging
May 28, 2019

The Franklin County Area Agency on Aging recently hosted a “Center Without Walls” event at the Carrack United Methodist Church in Fort Loudon.
The Center Without Walls (CWOW) event encourages seniors to come to locations outside of existing senior centers and enjoy live music while also learning about what activities Franklin County’s senior centers have to offer.
Franklin County Senior Activity Centers offer local seniors opportunities for socializing, learning and having fun. “We are happy to provide places that focus on the wellbeing of our seniors,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.
Fort Loudon Center manager Tonya Zeigler presented to the 39 seniors in attendance, 15 of which had not participated in a senior center activity before. Tonya informed the audience about various activities and resources Franklin County’s eight senior centers have to offer including: art classes, line dancing, trips on chartered coach buses, a free fitness center, health education, free wifi, and daily lunches. Informational service booklets and copies of the Golden Gazette newspaper were distributed to attendees.
Pictured above: Fannettsburg CWOW event
Dusty Aleman, a singing cowboy from Oklahoma provided live, southern gospel and country music for this event. The day ended with a door prize drawing.
Center Without Walls events are provided in conjunction with the Senior Community Center Grant awarded to Franklin County for 2018 and 2019. Another CWOW event is planned for June in the Fayetteville area. The date is to be announced.
For more information on Franklin County Senior Activity Centers, please contact the Area Agency on Aging at (717) 263-2153.