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Franklin County Commissioners Recognize Employees for their Years of Service
The Franklin County Commissioners recently honored 75 employees for their dedication to the county and its residents.
October 17, 2018
On Tuesday, October 9th, the Franklin County Commissioners honored 75 employees for their dedication to the county and its residents.
“We are sincerely grateful for how well you work to help the residents of our county. You do it with pride and professionalism—year after year,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller in his opening remarks.
Certificates were given to employees reaching 5-year milestone work anniversaries (5, 10, 15, etc.) and ranged from 5 years to 35 years. The combined years of service of all employees being recognized totaled 975 years!
Commissioner Bob Thomas stated, “Each of us work in a different capacity, bringing a different strength to the table. A lot of the jobs performed at the County are stressful. We greatly appreciate you for bringing your strengths and passion to the daily performance of your job.”
“Franklin County offers innovative programs that are state and nationally recognized. You who are being honored today are our boots on the ground. These programs would be worth nothing if not for you doing your jobs well each day. We thank you,” said Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski.
The Commissioners also thank the Human Resources Department for their work in coordinating this special event.

35 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Lucinda (Sue) Grove, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller

30 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row- Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller; bottom row– Mary Beavers, Carla Rock, Bonnie Zeis, Julie Bless
Missing from photo: Carol Rockwell

25 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row- Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller; bottom row– Vonda Shatzer, Martha Burkholder, Kristi Yeingst, Debora Wishard

20 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row- Julie Mentzer, Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller, Karen Nye; bottom row– Cindy Kean, Minnie Goshorn, Dan McClure, Emily Eberly, Danielle Campbell, Angela Mackley
Missing from photo: Tammy Duncan, Mark Gilliam, David King, Jodi Martin, Todd McIntire, Donna Poe, Sharon Winter

15 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row- Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller; bottom row– Ellen Eckert, William Kauffman, Kimberly Lucas
Missing from photo: David Eckert

10 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row– Matthew Cooper, Joel Burkholder, Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller, Ed Hrzic, Andrew Carter; bottom row– Tammy Heckman, Erin Witmer, Pamela Miley, Ashley McCullough, Jenna Eaton.
Missing from photo: Tina Dubbs, Kyle Flemming, Shelley Jenkins, Sally North, Lori Powell, Tammy Springer, Jason Taylor, Patricia Winebrenner

5 Years of Service
Pictured above (left to right): top row- Jeffrey Sarver, Alexandria Beeler, Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Commissioner Bob Thomas, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller, Steve Nevada, Richard Robinson; middle row- Joshua Burleigh, Ashlee Hammonds, Kim Mills, Ashley McCartney, Michael Sites, Justin McHenry, Briana Etzweiler, Magdalena Radovic-Moreno, Joan Mangum, John Shindledecker;
bottom row– Andrew Repp, Tracy Bryan, Jerome Bennett, Elizabeth Grant, Ray Waltz
Missing from photo: John Albert, Caleb Barnett, Lori Clopper, Andrea Mauck, Matthew Rhoades, Jesse Smith, Stacey Wellman