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Franklin County Communities Urged To Help Control Asian Tiger Mosquito Population
August 07, 2023

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners are reminding residents about how they can protect themselves and others against the invasive and bothersome Asian tiger mosquito.
Asian tiger mosquito populations typically increase around mid-July, peak in mid-August and taper off in September as nighttime temperatures drop. These pests are black in color with white stripes, and they prefer mammals – including humans – as a source of their blood meal. While many types of mosquitoes only become a nuisance around dusk and dawn, Asian tiger mosquitoes also bite during daytime hours.
Unlike other species that are attracted to swamps and retention ponds, Asian tiger mosquitoes prefer to use water-filled artificial containers to breed. Any artificial container that holds water – bird baths, clogged rain gutters, flower pots, buckets, old tires, tarps – can breed Asian tiger mosquitoes. Even something as small as a water-filled bottle cap can be the perfect place for one of these pests to lay their eggs, which will emerge into larvae and then into adult mosquitoes.
Asian tiger mosquitoes have a very short flight range compared to other mosquitoes; typically, they do not fly more than 200 yards from where they are born. This little-known tidbit is important because homeowners are likely pestered by mosquitoes breeding on their own property or on a neighbor’s property.
The easiest way residents can eliminate Asian tiger mosquitoes is to empty water from artificial containers and store them so they will not collect water in the future. Eliminating breeding habitats is the No. 1 defensive strategy in reducing Asian tiger mosquitoes; without the ability to lay eggs, populations will dwindle quickly.
Without the community’s attention to the Asian tiger mosquito, Franklin County will continue to see this pest grow in population and take over new areas of the region. It is essential that residents do their part to keep these mosquitoes at bay and eliminate standing water sources from homes and properties. Working together will go a long way to fending off the Asian tiger mosquito.
For a more in-depth, comprehensive look at mosquito surveillance and control methods in Franklin County, visit or contact Jason Goetz, Franklin County’s mosquito and tick-borne disease control specialist, at 717-261-3855 or