News Detail
Franklin County Salutes Correctional Officers
May 04, 2022

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners have proclaimed May 1 – May 7, 2022, to be National Correctional Officers and Employees Week in Franklin County in appreciation of the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep Franklin County communities and citizens safe.
Franklin County’s correctional system is designed to protect the public by separating those who have committed offenses from the community, deterring others from committing offenses, and rehabilitating individuals for reentry into the community upon release.
Working in correctional facilities is demanding as personnel must maintain a constant state of heightened vigilance and adhere to strict security protocols. Every day, correctional officers and jail employees work in stressful conditions, face challenges and put their lives at risk. Those demands reached new heights during the coronavirus pandemic. Franklin County Jail staff face extraordinary challenges head on to provide for the safety and security of both the general public and those housed in the facility.
“We are thankful for the Franklin County Jail correctional officers and staff for their commitment to meeting the challenges and demands of their profession,” said Franklin County Commissioner and Prison Board Chairman John Flannery. “These men and women have proven to be resourceful, capable, resilient and patient, and they represent both their profession and our county honorably and admirably.”
By recognizing National Correctional Officers and Employees Week in Franklin County, the commissioners are encouraging residents to show their respect and gratitude to these individuals for the role they play in keeping Franklin County communities safe.