News Detail
Jeff Sarver Named Franklin County’s Employee of the Month for March
The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the Employee of the Month Award for March to Mr. Jeffrey Sarver.
April 02, 2020

The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the Employee of the Month Award for March to Mr. Jeffrey Sarver. Mr. Sarver has been employed with Franklin County since January of 2013 and serves as a Deputy Sheriff. Employee of the Month selections are determined by the STAR Committee. For March, there were a total of eleven nominations. The nomination form asks what recent event or occurrence prompted you to select Deputy Sarver and the answers stated:
“It is very hard to pinpoint exact moments which explain why I am taking the time to nominate Jeff for this award. Since becoming a deputy, Jeff has always been a go-to for overtime no one else would want, high risk details, confidential tasks, and any other task that needed special attention. Jeff takes pride in being a County employee, and always brings kindness, energy and fun into whatever he is doing. He always does his job with care and attention to detail; Jeff is reliable, selfless, and has a huge heart. Often, Jeff will take “on-calls” for others so they can make family events, and is always willing to be the “go-to guy” when that late day dangerous PFA needs served.
The Sheriff’s Office has received numerous emails and phone calls from teachers, administrators, and citizens in the community and in schools expressing how well Jeff represents the Sheriff’s office and the County. Not only does he represent the office and County in a professional manner, he actually tries to make connections and engage the kids. Jeff has mentored and counseled countless young minds along the way, as well as countless offenders, always giving inmates a positive word of encouragement. Jeff’s compassion, empathy, and attitude are contagious. He is the kind of employee that would tackle any task given to him, and would do so with a smile.”
Another nomination form noted Deputy Sarver assisting an elderly gentleman who had a hard time walking. Deputy Sarver assisted the man into the building by guiding him with his arm. Once scanned through security, the elderly gentleman didn’t understand where he needed to go. Again, Deputy Sarver took him by the arm and led him to the correct office. The elderly gentleman appreciated the extra steps Jeff took to make sure he got where he needed to go.
“Deputy Sarver is always dependable, efficient and unfailingly punctual. His attention to detail makes him a huge asset to the County. He has the innate skills to resolve conflicts and handle other difficult situations with remarkable patience and admirable tact. Such dedication and skills are a huge asset to the Sheriff’s department and to the County, especially in situations mentioned above.”
Mr. Sarver’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his peers. He is described as dedicated, compassionate and selfless. We are grateful to Mr. Jeffrey Sarver as he exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence, and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.