News Detail
Kevin Hoffman Named Franklin County Employee Of The Month
July 28, 2021

CHAMBERSBURG, PA – Today the Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the July 2021 Employee of the Month award to Kevin Hoffman. Hoffman has been employed with Franklin County since May 2019 and currently serves as a Maintenance Worker III in the county’s Property Management department.
July’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received a total of eight nominations for this month’s award.
When nominating a coworker, employees are asked to share a specific event or circumstance that makes an individual deserving of Employee of the Month. One nomination cited how Hoffman had assisted another county department in removing and eliminating unnecessary paper records in an ongoing effort to reduce the amount of accumulated physical, hard-copy files.
“Kevin Hoffman was an integral component to me in completing the task at hand,” said the nomination form. “At the instruction of his supervisor, he willingly assisted me multiple times with lifting awkward and heavy boxes, plus loading, transporting and delivering boxes that needed to be kept or scanned in addition to doing his regular job. He also readily volunteered to remove boxes of trash and recyclable materials as well as maneuver heavy shred bins for disposition. With Kevin’s help, nearly 4,600 pounds of records were disposed of properly.
“Most notably, Kevin even made a point of checking in on me one day to make sure I was OK and to see if I needed his help with anything,” the nomination continued, adding that Hoffman’s “character and work ethic are beyond compare.”
Hoffman’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his
peers. The nomination form describes him as accommodating, industrious and amicable.
“We’re grateful for Kevin’s great work ethic in helping to keep operations humming in the face of COVID-19 challenges and our construction projects,” said Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.
Commissioner John Flannery added, “We thank Kevin for going the extra mile to assist us in helping all of our staff. We acknowledge and appreciate his tremendous ownership and work ethic exceeding expectations.”
“With Kevin, ‘doing the heavy lifting’ is not just a figure of speech,” said Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski. “We’re proud he’s a member of our team.”
The Franklin County Commissioners are grateful to Hoffman as he exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.