News Detail
October 2018 Employee of the Month
The Franklin County Commissioners proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Ms. Courtney Shippey.
October 30, 2018

The Franklin County Commissioners, on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee, proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Ms. Courtney Shippey.
Ms. Shippey has been employed with the Franklin County Adult Probation Department since February 2017. She serves as an Adult Probation Officer II.
The selection for the October 2018 Employee of the Month was determined by the STAR Committee. There were a total of 20 nominations. The STAR nomination form asks what recent event or occurrence made you select Courtney and the answers include:
“On September 17, 2018, the greater Franklin County area was receiving the remnants of Hurricane Florence. Officer Shippey was conducting fieldwork with another Officer during some pretty awful weather. During the course of their activities, Officer Shippey and the other Officer came across an individual whom had fallen and injured themselves, lying in the roadway. Without question, Officer Shippey rendered aid to the individual until EMS arrived. Without the assistance of Officer Shippey, the life-altering event for the citizen could have resulted in tragedy.”
“This is but one attribute, in my opinion that makes Officer Shippey eligible for the Employee of the Month. She is always willing and able to help the citizens and her fellow co-workers. Her indefatigable energy is extremely contagious.”
“Officer Shippey consistently utilizes critical thinking skills to resolve life-altering events for individuals. While enforcing the defendant’s Court Orders, Officer Shippey expresses a genuine solicitous nature toward their problems. Officer Shippey is always able to find the best qualities in an individual.”
Ms. Shippey’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by her peers. The nomination forms described her as courageous, reliable and having integrity. When others just drove past, Officer Shippey’s efforts helped save an elderly lady’s life, by providing assistance during the woman’s crucial time of need. “Officer Shippey can always be counted on in a time of need, whether as a friend or co-worker, to give her assistance.”
Ms. Shippey’s father, Lieutenant Kane, a station commander for the Pennsylvania State Police in Newport, PA, attended the award presentation.
We are grateful to Officer Courtney Shippey as she exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence, and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.