News Detail
Reed Named Franklin County’s March Employee of the Month
April 11, 2022

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the March 2022 Employee of the Month award to Paul (Ted) Reed at their public meeting April 6. Reed has been employed with Franklin County since September 1996 and currently serves as a chief deputy with the Franklin County Coroner’s Office.
March’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received 12 nominations for the March award, including four for Reed.
When nominating a coworker, employees are asked to share a specific event or circumstance that makes an individual deserving of Employee of the Month. Reed’s nominations heralded his innate critical thinking skills as well as his willingness to go above and beyond the duties required of his position, which has translated into savings for Franklin County taxpayers on more than one occasion.
One nomination cited Reed’s contributions to the recent consolidation of the Franklin County Coroner’s Office from multiple locations into the former Pennsylvania State Police barracks on Franklin Farm Lane.
“Ted has been an integral part of the process to bring this vision to fruition while remaining on budget and trying to save tax dollars where possible,” said the nomination form. “Throughout the remodeling process, Ted has been a multi-tasker. He can be found getting his hands dirty, moving boxes, organizing, planning storage and sometimes reworking ideas that didn’t always meet expectations. At the same time, Ted and the other investigators have been working busy caseloads related to ongoing investigations. Ted is not one to sit still if something needs to be done; he is always working on two, three or more problems at the same time. Ted is our Energizer Bunny.”
Other nominations noted Reed’s integral role in converting the department’s utility vehicle into a rehab unit that is now used to provide outreach services to first responders working fire and crime scenes.
“Ted has been the biggest player in this project’s fabrication and maintenance,” said the nomination form. “Utility 6 has seen better days and Ted agreed to bring it back to life. He has troubleshooted countless problems and traced wiring for hours to make sure the emergency lighting worked perfectly. Ted’s knowledge and expertise has made the unit financially feasible for the Coroner’s Office, as it was repurposed at nearly no cost to Franklin County taxpayers.”
“Ted could easily be described as a servant leader. He is ready, willing and able to take charge whenever needed,” said one coworker. “As a critical thinker, he often thinks outside the box. You can count on Ted to challenge you to take the time to think things through…to make sure you have thought about all possibilities.”
Reed’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his peers. The nomination form describes him as committed and as a critical thinker whose vast knowledge leads to cost savings for the county. His positive attitude allows him to work well with others and demonstrate his leadership abilities.
The Franklin County Commissioners are grateful to Reed as he exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.