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September Recognized As Suicide Prevention Month In Franklin County
September 09, 2021

CHAMBERSBURG, PA (Sept. 9, 2021) – The Franklin County Commissioners have proclaimed September to be Suicide Prevention Month in Franklin County and are urging all residents to increase their understanding of the importance of mental health and the resources that are available within their communities.
Since 1995, Franklin County has lost 416 individuals to suicide. According to the QPR Institute, one person dies by suicide every five hours in Pennsylvania and there are an additional 25 suicide attempts for every suicide death. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of all deaths in Pennsylvania and the third-leading cause of death among individuals aged 10-24 and 25-34.
Locally, the Franklin County Commissioners, in partnership with the Franklin County Suicide Prevention Coalition and Healthy Franklin County, have declared suicide prevention to be a county priority. Suicide prevention is also recognized as a national priority at the federal level.
The commissioners’ declaration is just one component of a targeted effort to reduce Franklin County residents’ risk of suicide. Throughout September, downtown businesses and organizations in Chambersburg and Greencastle will be showing their support for Suicide Prevention Month by displaying purple ribbons around their communities. Additionally, Healthy Franklin County and its community partners have several events planned throughout the month to highlight and promote mental health. A list of events can be found online at or by contacting Franklin/Fulton Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/Early Intervention (MH/IDD/EI) at 717-264-5387.
By proclaiming September to be Suicide Prevention Month, the Franklin County Commissioners are calling upon all Franklin County citizens, government agencies, public and private institutions, businesses and schools to recommit to increasing understanding of mental health, the steps individuals can take to protect their mental health, and the need for appropriate and accessible services for all people.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, contact Keystone Health Crisis Intervention at 717-264-2555 or text HOME to the National Crisis Text Line, 741741. Help is also available by calling the Mental Health Association of Franklin/Fulton County Help Line, 717-264-2916, or the Mental Health Support Line, 1-855-284-2494.
For information on additional area resources, visit the Franklin/Fulton MH/IDD/EI page at