News Detail
Tentative 2021 Budget Approved – No Tax Increase
November 25, 2020

The Franklin County Commissioners approved a tentative budget for 2021 of $154 million. This is a $8.9 million decrease from the preliminary budget proposed in October and is $4 million less than the tentative 2020 budget.
The total property tax millage rate remains unchanged at 29.1 mills. This rate consists of general operating millage of 25.0 and debt service millage of 4.1.
“We thank our staff for their dedication in bringing us a budget with no tax increase for general operations for the fifth year in a row while addressing the priorities of the Board,” stated Franklin County Commissioner and Chairman Dave Keller.
The 2021 budget reflects funding to accomplish the following priorities:
- Streamline government and delivery of services through the use of, and improvements to, technology;
- Maintain services that support county citizens by funding programs for human services and veterans;
- Maintain public safety and security;
- Consider staffing, with a focus on operational priorities, and provide competitive pay and benefits, as well as the resources that staff need to perform their jobs.
With the Court Facility Improvement Project construction well underway, $20.6 million is budgeted for 2021, which is part of a capital expenditures total budget of $22.7 million. [The Court Facility Improvement Project allocation for 2021 is part of a $55 million bond issued in 2018.]
“We will continue to ensure the Court Facility Improvement Project stays on schedule and within budget,” said Commissioner John Flannery.
“I support the 2021 budget,” said Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski. He added, “We are able to maintain 60 days of reserves without a millage increase by using one-time transfers. Next year we will have to decide whether to cut services or increase millage to balance the 2022 budget.”
The 2021 proposed budget is available to view at, and at the Commissioners’ Office at 340 N Second Street until December 16, 2020 at 11:00 AM, when the commissioners will vote to accept or amend the final budget.
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