News Detail
Correctional Workers Honored as Unsung Heroes
Franklin County Commissioners recently honored the men and women working in the Franklin County Jail (FCJ) whose diligence and professionalism provide a safe and rehabilitative environment for confined individuals.
October 09, 2020

Franklin County Commissioners recently honored the men and women working in the Franklin County Jail (FCJ) whose diligence and professionalism provide a safe and rehabilitative environment for confined individuals. This year’s COVID-19 pandemic created challenges above and beyond routine duties and the employees at FCJ exceeded expectations. Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller expressed gratitude on behalf of the Board for the staff’s “all-hands-on-deck attitude.”
“Jail staff and Correctional Officers are unsung heroes and their accomplishments often go unseen. We want to take this time to thank them for their important work and the measures they take—especially this year—to keep safety a priority,” said Commissioner Keller.
“You have all done an amazing job combatting this virus and keeping our jail operational,” said Warden Bill Bechtold, addressing employees.
Correctional officers and jail employees work to assist incarcerated individuals in becoming law-abiding citizens. Through programs and treatment, inmates are provided direction, hope, and a new focus and are prepared for reentry and life outside of corrections.
Each year, the jail staff nominates two employees that have shown outstanding performance in their work. Commissioners Dave Keller and Bob Ziobrowski proudly presented the award for Correctional Worker of the Year to Franklin County Jail Business Manager, Tammy Zook. The award for Correctional Officer of the Year was presented to Officer Randy Clendening.
The jail’s annual Correctional Officers Appreciation Week was delayed this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, however the jail’s administration is making an effort to show its appreciation to correctional officers and staff on a daily basis. A banner stationed near the entrance reminds every visitor entering the building that “Heroes Work Here.”
“Corrections work is difficult and sometimes thankless work. We want to ensure that our team knows that they are appreciated everyday,” said Warden Bechtold.

Above photo (left to right): Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Correctional Officer Randy Clendening, Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller, and Warden Bill Bechtold.

Above photo (left to right): Commissioner Bob Ziobrowski, Correctional Officer Randy Clendening, Franklin County Jail Business Manager Tammy Zook, and Commissioner Chairman Dave Keller.