News Detail
December Employee of the Month – Ms. Hannah Crean
The Franklin County Commissioners proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Ms. Hannah Crean.
January 06, 2021

Ms. Crean has been employed with Franklin County since July of 2016. She currently serves as Caseworker II-Ongoing for Children and Youth Services. The selection for the December 2019 Employee of the Month was determined by the STAR Committee. There were a total of thirteen nominations.
The STAR nomination form asks what recent event or occurrence prompted you to select Hannah and the answers stated:
“Recently, due to the hard work and Hannah’s can-do attitude, several children were able to return home to their families. Additionally, Hannah worked diligently to make it possible for a parent, who was being deported, to see their child for the final time. She did not have to do it, she could have just let both the parent and the child continue on without any kind of closure, but Hannah knew it was the right thing to do.
Hannah has persevered through the harsh realities of being a Children and Youth Caseworker. Despite the harsh nature of her career, Hannah continues to be a bright ray of sunshine and press on with a positive mindset toward the job and toward the families. She is HIGHLY invested in the success of everyone around her.
She often volunteers to take on tough cases. Hannah has never refused to help anyone. She often takes the helm and guides others through their own obstacles, despite whatever she may be facing herself.
She goes above and beyond for her families and gives each of them 150%. Hannah sees beyond what is on the surface and encourages everyone who comes into contact with her. There is never a question as to whether or not she truly cares, caring is the definition of who she is and it is ingrained into her DNA.”
Another co-worker writes: “Hannah works tirelessly to advocate not only for the children on her caseload but also for the parents. She is a true and fierce advocate for families and for reunification. She cheers on parents and encourages them in their darkest days. Through her never-ending support, she recently helped a mother fight for herself and achieve sobriety, freedom from an abusive relationship, and the independence to support her kids on her own – ultimately resulting in reunification of the family. These children are very bonded to mom and it was the best possible outcome. Hannah never gave up on this family. She achieved something even I doubted as possible.”
The third nomination form for Ms. Crean, written by yet another co-worker who comments: “Since I have been on board with Children and Youth, Hannah has been extremely helpful and welcoming. Whenever Hannah has an opportunity to take me out into the field, she does. During these trips, I pick her brain about paperwork and also some random questions. She always answers to the best of her knowledge and if she doesn’t know the answer she will find it out. Hannah is an extremely valuable employee who truly cares about the families and children we serve.”
Ms. Crean’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by her peers. The nomination form describes her as being an advocate, very knowledgeable, and empathetic.
We are grateful to Ms. Hannah Crean as she exudes a high standard of customer service, excellence, and respect to the employees and residents of Franklin County.View pdf